BustED Pencils Trending News: Red Flag; CC Promoters $$; Snake Oil

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BustEDstretchRed flag regarding student information!  A cautionary tale for school districts.

Millions of Student Records Sold in Bankruptcy Case



BustEDstretchI don’t typically align myself with the FEDERALISTS, but the details in this story cannot be  ignored.

Ten Common Core Promoters Laughing All The Way To The Bank



BustEDstretchClassrooms of the 21st century or snake oil?   According to my kids who are actually IN these classrooms, one hates the technology because it feels so impersonal and disconnected and the other prefers the dry erase board to grasp concepts on a more visual/teacher-student interactive level.   Keep in mind that Lia De Cicco Remu, Director of Partners in Learing at Microsoft Canada stands to gain quite a profit from this “technology teaching”.

Teachers using pens and paper in the classroom “not fair” to students, Microsoft official says



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