Episode 39: @BetsyDeVosED Attacks Title IX. #BustEDPencils Attacks Back.


In this special episode of BustED Pencils we take a deep dive into Title IX. While Ms. DeVos sets up Title IX as a kangaroo court system employed by the Obama administration. BustED Pencils talks to Yohuru Williams (Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Saint Thomas) and Heather Harbach (Dean of Students at Edgewood College in Madison Wisconsin) for a deep understanding of the origins of Title IX and the reality of how it functions on college campuses.

Guess what? President Obama was a little kid in 1972.

Of course we talk to Matt Damon’s Mom and visit Kohn’s Zone.

Let’s Bust some Pencils!

BustED Pencils
BustED Pencils
Episode 39: @BetsyDeVosED Attacks Title IX. #BustEDPencils Attacks Back.

