As the war against our public schools and the profession of teaching drags on it amazes me that some people still act surprised when politicians attempt to enact policy that pushes us closer and closer towards total privatization and the siphoning of tax dollars directed towards operations that only stand to profit from the collapse…. Read more »
Posts Tagged: Act 10
BustED Pencils Trending News: Assist, Don’t Miss; 59; Targeted Elimination; “Walking Man Jesse”
How about assisting these families instead!! Clearly these are the families that need the most help! Shame on you Michigan. Punishing the poor: Michigan adopts law to take away families’ food assistance if kids miss school Why why why? 59 teachers dismissed in Lawrence This should be a wake up call to ALL… Read more »
BustED Pencils Trending News: The Walking Man; Walker!!! GRRRR; Insensitivity
He’s on the move!! Jesse Turner is WALKING AND TALKING – Sunday, June 14th @ 2:30 Walking for Education Justice This explains why my hair is all gone! GRRRRRR Scott Walker’s op-ed on K-12 education: Act 10 ‘changed that broken system’–education-act/article_9886d356-0087-5369-9ded-9c324cd44b4e.html Talk about insensitivity and lack of understanding. Congressman Cresent Hardy -“Some people have… Read more »
Is it time to start using the F Word in Wisconsin?
No not that one. This one—FASCISM. (sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism. At this point in time we don’t have a dictator. So scratch that. However, we are witnessing the “suppression of opposition… Read more »