Episode 63: A “Recovering Trial Lawyer” for Governor: Dana Wachs.


Trending News:
“Minimum Grading”  What is it? And Why use it?
Hide your 4 year olds! The Baby PISA is coming.

What Would Matt Damon’s Mom Say about the Baby PISA?

Main Interview:
He’s a “recovering trial lawyer” from “up north” and he’s a Democrat running for Governor in Wisconsin.  Welcome to BustED Pencils Dana Wachs.
Act 10.
Testing and Accountability.
Vouchers and Choice.
And more….

And of course Your Moment of Zinn.

Let’s Bust Some Pencils!

BustED Pencils
BustED Pencils
Episode 63: A "Recovering Trial Lawyer" for Governor: Dana Wachs.

