Rebel Teacher



The Rebel Teacher here.  I am a 12 year veteran teacher and local activist from Los Angeles California . I hold a BA in Pan African Studies from California State University Northridge and an MA in Education from California State University Bakersfield. The Rebel Teacher blog is primarily a vehicle to critically discuss and challenge the capitalist, imperialist and racist ideological underpinnings of American education but also to sound off on whatever else suits my fancy. I have a lovely wife and 4 beautiful children and currently live and work in California. Follow me on Facebook at and on Twitter @therebelteacher


High School Athletics over Academics: The “Mis-Education” of Black Athletes

The sports industrial complex as currently constituted is built on the backs of black athletes and incentivises universities and high schools to emphasize the athletic potential of many children over their academic achievement. Many students are accepted into top tier colleges that typically would be denied entrance, if not for their potential to help win… Read more »


Why You Mad?: Taking a Knee and White Rage in Post-Racial America

As a social studies teacher and critical educator, it is my responsibility to engage with the world, to analyze current events in a historical context. It is my job to challenge the dominant paradigms in the study of history or offer alternative perspectives. These issues constantly pop up in the classroom and we have to… Read more »


Free Speech and the University Battleground

Introduction The university has been a free speech battleground reminiscent of the 1960’s. Right wing elements are trying to get a foothold in traditionally progressive territory. People like Ann Coulter and Rob Shapiro have had to cancel dates due to potential threats of violence. When important institutions like universities are not doing their job, indoctrinating… Read more »


The Business of School Choice

What the Proponents Say  The idea of school choice rests on the premise that students can receive a better education if their parents have the opportunity to choose a school that is the best fit for their child. This sounds like common sense and rather benign, especially if the local schools are run down and… Read more »

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Save Martin Luther King from Obsolescence

The Real King Image and ownership of image are a trip. Especially on Martin Luther King Day. What is Dr. King’s image, vs. what he really represented in his life. If we are to believe the dominant institutions, we may think that his main contribution was reconciling with white people or turning the other cheek…. Read more »


Public Education and the Spectre of Fascism

The Spectre of Fascism “Fascism is capitalism in decay”, said Lenin. We’ve seen this before. When the traditional capitalist system is failing, there are cracks within the ruling class, and its accompanying political structures are in turmoil, a section of that class backs a strongman for its own protection. These strongmen have a populist appeal,… Read more »

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Education: Training for Passivity, Not Democracy

    Oppressive Atmosphere in Schools School is quite regimented and authoritarian. Students are told when they can use the bathroom or blow their noses. They are often asked what they want to be or how much money they want to make, but they are seldom asked what kind of world they want to live… Read more »


Social Justice and Critical Pedagogy

  Social Justice, Critical Pedagogy The social fibers in our society seem to be unraveling and the ruling class is scrambling to keep it together, as they fight over how to handle gaping social conditions. Historically oppressed minorities and immigrant groups are reminded daily how little they are valued by this society. We are in… Read more »

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The Achievement Gap and the Role of Critical Education

Academic Achievement Gap Rooted in Oppression Over the years I have done significant research on the achievement gap between some racial minorities and white students in American schools.  All the journals, books and articles I read were limited to American publications.  This only gives a limited view of the problem.  I thought it would be wise… Read more »


Stand With Oaxaca Teacher’s Strike

Mexican teachers in the poor, heavily indigenous states of Oaxaca, Guerrero, and Michoacan have bravely stood up in the face of government attempts to smash one of the last bastions of unionized workers in Mexico, education. The Oaxaca teacher’s strike is in response to the so-called educational reforms being pushed by the Enrique Pena Nieto government. These are… Read more »