BustED Pencils Trending News: PA teachers not paid; Sensory issues; Educate this Editorial Board



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Charter schools strain local budgets.  Employees of the school literally found out they would not receive pay less than a week before the start of the new school year!   State law requires school districts to pay the charters for every student in the district that goes to a charter school.

Why teachers are working for free in Pennsylvania school district





Play is critical – PERIOD.

 The decline of play in preschoolers – and the rise in sensory issues




Hey opt out families and educators across the country, Educate this Editorial Board!  They clearly have NOT done their research on the “OPT OUT” movement.  If you love your public schools you have no choice but to opt out or the schools CLOSE, the teachers loose their jobs and the children become the broken pawns in this nightmare of destruction cloaked in the guise of a standardized test.

Test opt-outs teach kids wrong lesson: Our view



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