BustED Pencils Trending News: Assist, Don’t Miss; 59; Targeted Elimination; “Walking Man Jesse”

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BustEDstretchHow about assisting these families instead!!  Clearly these are the families that need the most help!  Shame on you Michigan.

Punishing the poor: Michigan adopts law to take away families’ food assistance if kids miss school


BustEDstretchWhy why why?

59 teachers dismissed in Lawrence


BustEDstretchThis should be a wake up call to ALL teachers in Wisconsin!  You have been targeted for elimination!  It doesn’t matter if you retire early, quit, or your asked to leave, the message is clear (Act 10 and now the Joint Finance Committee’s attack on Public schools including the US system)–“teachers are not professionals and public schools are not a constitutional right.  Take your desire to understand the complexity of the world, search for truth and teach the masses away from here.  Your are not welome in this fascist leaning state.”

Spooner School District Leaders Face Unrest Over Planned Changes




A bow to Barry Lane in honor of “The Walking Man”

Jesse Turner

(6 days into his walking journey to Washington DC).


