BustED Pencils Trending News: Seattle Opt Out press conference; A child’s voice; Teacher Moral plummetting


BustEDlogo2news logoBustEDlogo2Seattle’s NAACP stands up against targeted performance testing! WooHoo!! Education Chair, Rita Green, says “costs tied to the test this year is approximately $200,000,000 (two hundred million dollars)…” Did you hear that dollar amount?!  NAACP oppose SBAC and are calling on all parents to opt out and to opt out NOW. Jesse Hagopian, “Teachers in the Seattle public schools are not against tests, in fact they invented tests”. He speaks facts and truth to education. Listen to the whole panel of testifiers/test resisters for quality assessment.

Press Conference on SBAC Testing: Opt Out Movement Biggest in Seattle’s History

BustEDlogo2BustED Pencils blogtalkradio.com show introduces Lacey Slekar as their new Student Issues Correspondent. Listen as Lacey (12) interviews Sydney (9) regarding opt out and standardized tests.  You won’t believe the maturity level of these two girls.  A MUST LISTEN!!

4th Grader and standardized testing expert Sydney Smoot. 


BustEDlogo2If nothing else, this article has a slew of highly informative links for those seeking information about the attacks on public schools and what it’s all about.

Why Has Teacher Moral Plummeted? 



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