Episode 48: Ed Tech, Art as Porn, Unionism, Standards, and Diane Ravitch: Woo Hoo!


Trending News: Teaching art or porn?

Some One Has To Say It:  Woo Hoo is NOT a sentence!

What Would Matt Damon’s Mom Say about New Zealand getting rid of standards?

Feature Interview: Diane Ravitch.  Warning! Educational Technology could be hazardous to your child.

Spotlight Interview: Union leader—Joanna Rizzotto. Wisconsin Education Association Council Region 7

The Schools Our Children Deserve: Angela Engel

And of course, A Moment of Zinn!

Let’s Bust Some Pencils!

BustED Pencils
BustED Pencils
Episode 48: Ed Tech, Art as Porn, Unionism, Standards, and Diane Ravitch: Woo Hoo!

